Welcome to Chargerware!
The Office of Information Technology makes a number of software programs available at no cost for faculty, staff, and students.
Before clicking any link to download software, you must be logged into your UAH Google Workspace account (chargerID@uah.edu) in your browser. If you are logged into another account in your web browser, you will not be able to download any Chargerware files.
To purchase Microsoft software products not listed here for University-owned computers, faculty and staff should contact our reseller, Softchoice. Lincy Varghese is our point of contact there. Her email address is Lincy.Varghese@softchoice.com. Please provide her with a product title, description, and, if possible, the manufacturing SKU.
To purchase other software not listed in Chargerware (such as Adobe Cloud), faculty and staff members should contact Cathy Curtis in Procurement. UAH does not currently have a campus-wide software offering for Adobe software or subscriptions.